Four members of the Charlie Butterworth Adventure Crew will leave from Springer Mountain, GA on April 3, 2012. Lacy Morrow, Holden Moore, Sarah Schattenfield, and Bill Pappas will travel northbound on the Appalachian Trail for 134 days to summit Mt. Katahdin on August 15, 2012. Peter Wegener and Daniel Gaspari will join the Charlie Butterworth Adventure Crew in Damascus, VA on May 11, 2012. The hikers will be striving to complete the 2,175 miles in time for fall semester.

UPDATE! The hikers skipped from Davenport Gap to Damascus, VA in order to finish on time. We plan to come back to this section during weekends in the Fall since it is right in our backyard.

UPDATE!! Due to our limited timeframe, we have chosen to advance to the New York — Connecticut border so that we can hike the remaining 800 miles in the Northern and most difficult segment of the trail. Hiking the White Mountains in New Hampshire, 100 mile wilderness in Maine, the long trail in Vermont and climbing Katahdin the terminus of all 2,186 miles of the Appalachian Trail allows us to embark on unfamiliar territory and exciting new adventures that we have never had the opportunity to do. We have opted to use the remaining time the summer provides to complete the Northern most section of the trail because it is an area of our country that isn’t as easily accessible to us on a regular basis.

The hikers welcome any and all support along the way. Any plans to join the hike should be submitted to the Charlie Butterworth Adventure Crew headquarters in Charlotte, NC at any time between now and August. The hikers will check in with headquarters at least once each week and will make great efforts to accommodate requests to join the hike. The above dates are subject to change with weekly updates.


Hike your own hike